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                时间:2023-09-01 来源:瓯江实验室 浏览量:1781









                1.项目负责人原则上应为实验室在职人员,且为该项目主体研究思路的提出⌒ 者和实际主持研究的科技人员。项目实施期间原则上不得调离或¤辞去工作职位@ 。同一科研人员作为项目负责人,承担在研各类省级科技计划项■目数原则上为1项、最多不超√过2项,同年度各类省级科技计划项目◣立项原则上不超♀过1项。作为项目主要参与人(除项目负责人外,排名前3的参与人)在研项目≡数不超过2项。








                3.自筹经费要求。竞争性项目,由企业牵头申报的,自筹经费不低于省级财〇政补助经费的4倍;由高校院所≡、新型研发机构、医疗卫生机构等事业性质单位牵头联合企业共∏同申报的,自筹经费不低于省级财政补助经ξ 费;由高校院所、新型研发机构、医疗卫生机构等事业性质单位独◆立承担的,鼓励单位联动加大研发投入,研发总额不〒低于省级财政补助经费。






















                Notice on Organizing the Application for the First Batch of Projects of the

                "Pioneer" and "Leading Goose" R&D Program of Zhejiang in 2024

                Dear teachers:

                According to the requirements of the Organizing the Application for the First Batch of Projects of the "Pioneer" and "Leading Goose" R&D Program of Zhejiang in 2024 issued by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology ( https://kjt.zj.gov.cn/art/2023/8/25/art_1229225203_5163108.html ), in order to do a good job in recommending and applying for the Oujiang Laboratory, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

                1. Project Application Process

                In the field of life and health, 62 lists (guidelines) have been formed, see Annex 1 for the “Life and Health” Highland in the Social Development Field. According to the relevant application requirements of the list (guideline), fill in and submit the project application form online, and explain in detail the innovation points, technical route, research foundation, expected goals and results of the project. And it should be promised that the main research and development content of this project has not been supported by the national and provincial departments, to avoid repeated projects and repeated support.

                2. Project Application Requirements

                 (1) Requirements for Project Leaders

                The project leader should be a laboratory staff member in principle, and the proposer and actual leader of the main research idea of the project. The project leader should not transfer or resign from his or her position during the project implementation period. The same researcher, as the project leader, should undertake no more than one or two provincial-level science and technology plan projects in principle, and no more than one provincial-level science and technology plan project in the same year. The main participants of the project (except the project leader, the top three participants) should not have more than two ongoing projects.

                The same project can only be applied through a single recommending unit, and multiple or repeated applications are not allowed.

                There are no age, education, or title requirements for applying for the “Vanguard Plan” list projects. For other list projects, those who will reach the legal retirement age during the project implementation period (academicians are 70 years old) should not apply in principle. If it is necessary to apply, the unit should issue a letter of commitment that allows the application and can ensure the project performance (such as re-employment, delayed retirement, etc.). If the applicant is not a staff member of the leading application unit, the leading application unit should issue an authorization letter granting him or her the management of the project implementation.

                For other specific requirements and relevant precautions for application units and applicants, please refer to Annex 2.

                 (2Requirements for Project Research and Development Funds

                The provincial financial subsidy for a single major special project generally does not exceed 10 million yuan, other major projects generally do not exceed 6 million yuan, and the “Leading Goose” plan (applied basic category) project generally does not exceed 3 million yuan.

                Major special projects, as provincial-local linkage projects, are supported by the provincial and local finances in a 1:1 ratio in principle (except for units such as provincial enterprises).

                The requirements for self-raised funds are shown in the notice.

                3. Recommendation Requirements

                The project application adopts a combination of no-limit and quota-based preferential recommendation methods, and explores the project review system.

                (1) There is no recommendation quota for the projects that apply for the Vanguard Plan” list and fully cover the target indicators.

                (2) After the applicants of the remaining lists submit the application materials within the specified time, they will follow the principle of letting those who can do it do it, and strictly compare the target tasks, target indicator coverage, and conditions of the research list, and select the best ones within the quota.  

                4. Application Method

                (1) Online ApplicationLog in to the Zhejiang Provincial Government Service Network, search for “Science and Technology Innovation”, and click to enter through “Immediate Handling”, “Science and Technology Breakthrough Online”, and “I Want to Unveil the List”.

                (2) Time RequirementsTeachers who intend to apply should fill in the application intention summary table (see Annex 34) according to the list, and send them to the Research Management Department email ky@ojlab.ac.cn before August 31. The laboratory reporting time is: September 4, 2023 - September 22, 2023 14:00. Applicants should complete the report before the deadline and send the system exported application form to the Research Management Department email ky@ojlab.ac.cn.

                You can consult the Research Management Department:0577-86967611





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